This doc is maintained by Kei^Carnage ]--------------| Deep Space 9 Season Five Episode Guide |--------------[ Apocalypse Rising Captain Sisko and his crew embark on a dangerous mission to expose the Klingon leader Gowron as a Changeling who has provoked a war between the Federation and the Klingon empire. By disguising themselves as Klingons, Captain Sisko and the Defiant crew infiltrate the Klingon homeworld amidst a hotbed of political intrigue and suspense. The Ship A severely injured crew member's life hangs in the balance as Sisko battles for control of a crashed Jem'Hadar warship. Looking For Par'mach In All The Wrong Places Worf helps Quark woo a visiting Klingon woman (ex-wife Grilka), despite the fact that he himself is in love with her. ...Nor The Battle To The Strong Trapped on a planet under Klingon attack, Jake Sisko panics in the heat of battle putting the situation in jeopardy. The Assignment A strange entity takes over Keiko's body and orders O'Brien to complete a secret assignment - or his wife will be killed. Trials And Tribble-ations A special 30th aniversary featuring a cross-over with Captain Kirk and the original enterprise crew and the Tribbles. It utilises "Forest Gump" style effects to add the DS9 crew to old footage: Sisko travels back in time to a pivotal moment in the history of the original Starship Enterprise. Let He Who Is Without Sin... While vacationing on the planet Risa with Quark and Leeta, Worf falls under the influence of a traditionalist group bent on destroying the pleasure paradise. Things Past Sisko, Odo, Dax and Garak are mysteriously placed into the roles of a group of condemned Bajorans executed seven years ago, back on Terok Nor under Cardassian control and Odo must face his past or allow his friends to be executed for a crime they did not commit. The Ascent On route to a court appearance, longtime adversaries Odo and Quark are stranded on a desolate planet and must rely on each other to survive. Rapture Sisko becomes captivated by the story of an ancient Bajoran lost city and becomes determined to find its location. The Darkness and the Light Members of the Shakaar resistance cell are dying and Kira must try and find the killer and stop them. The Begotten [No info yet] For the Uniform Sisko goes on the offensive against the Maquis and the former Starfleet officer Eddington. In Purgatory's Shadow Part one of two. [No info yet] By Inferno's Light Part two of two. [No info yet] Dr. Bashir, I Presume [No info yet] ]--------------| Deep Space 9 Season Five Episode Guide |--------------[